To get out of a slump, sometimes you just need to see what the humans around you create. Here are some artists that I’ve been loving as of late and I hope you do too xx
Pelle Cass is known for his time-lapse photography. While some refer to him as a “trick” photographer, he refers to his process as rather boring and the pieces of work as straight-forward. He studies time and “convey(s) the eeriness of time, a feeling of Dionysian chaos, and a sense of play.”
“I’m recording exactly what is in front of me. I try to stick to that. I’m only ever fabricating in front of the camera — behind the camera, I never fabricate.”
“The resulting images are chaotic yet natural.”
I have no idea what the artists name is, but their work is dope dope dope. Moon Patrol works to create collages inspired by the 80s and video games. Their work allows for me to visualize things I would’ve never been able to think of on my own.
“Moon Patrol is a master of surrealism.”
Riley’ watercolor, multimedia art and textile designs inspire and awaken my inner femininity. The whimsical and nostalgic nature of her work is indicative of illustrations found in children’s literature.
“Riley’s use of color is exquisite. You can tell she knows her color theory.”
I love how she makes art that makes her happy. I mean just LOOK at these eggs.
Peter is the master of making random art that doesn’t necessarily mean anything. He makes things he likes. Isn’t that what art is for? Yourself? When you make stuff you like, you don’t worry about what others think quite so much. I think this is true for Peter.
I’m particularly fond of Peter’s animation Boogodobiegodongo. Check it out:
Allison’s claymations are so beautiful. She is able to make her viewer feel just through movement and music. Take a look at her piece called Eager: